Executive Committee

Meet our 2024-2025 Executive Committee!


Wendy Arellano Leon Pronouns: she/her/hers Year: 4th Year, Class of 2025 Hometown: Fresno, CA Position: Chair Major: Civil Engineering Favorite Rally Comm Memory: My favorite Rally Comm memory is the big game in 2021 at the farm. It was my first big game ever and the emotions of that day have followed me ever since. It was ecstatic to be in the student section of Stanfurd yet the crowd of people was painted blue and gold. Fun Fact: I am a Mexican First-Generation student
What I’m most looking forward to this year: I am looking forward to the switch from the PAC-12 to the ACC, it is a chance to bring our traditions and spirit to new places on campus and across the country.

Below is a description of each of our five branches and their members: 


Manages external communications with alumni and other members of the Cal community as well as maintaining and passing on Rally Committee and Cal traditions!

VC of Communications

Name: Kaile Yung

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Year: 3rd Year, Class of 2026

Hometown: Thousand Oaks, CA

Position: Vice Chair of Communications

Majors: Environmental Science

Favorite Rally Comm Memory: My favorite Rally Comm Memory is being in the Memorial Stadium before or after a football game when it is empty

Fun Fact: I like Dr. Pepper

What you’re most looking forward to this year: Meeting new members and making new memories!

Director of Traditions

Name: Scott Young

Pronouns: He/him

Year: 4th Year, Class of 2025

Hometown: Bakersfield, CA

Position: Director of Traditions

Majors: Industrial Engineering & Operations Research

Favorite Rally Comm Memory: Cable Car Rally! I loved parading through SF with all of Cal Spirit! Go Bears!

Fun Fact: I can make whale calls!

What I’m most looking forward to this year: Doing the griddy across the Golden Gate Bridge! World Record baby!
Director of External Relations

Name: Annette Leber

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Year: 3rd Year, Class of 2026

Hometown: Washington D.C

Position: Director of External Relations

Major: Art Practice, Film and Media Studies, Spanish (minor)

Favorite Rally Comm Memory: All the events during Big Game Week! It is hectic and exhausting, but so so so fun!

Fun Fact: My favorite food is Mac and Cheese!

What you’re most looking forward to this year: I am looking forward to teaching the DeCal!! (Everyone should sign up 😉)


Oversees the Committee’s membership base and organizes fun bonding events!

VC of Membership

Name: Steve Escobar

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Year: 4th Year, Class of 2025

Hometown: Lindsay, CA

Position: Vice Chair of Membership

Majors: Legal Studies   Minors: Philosophy & Law,  and Disability Studies

Favorite Rally Comm Memory: My favorite rally comm memory was our invitation to the Tom Edward’s dinner in 2023. It was so nice to be amongst such amazing alumni and continuing UCRC members, additionally , the tradition of the dinner itself was a privilege to partake in.

Fun Fact: I can say my abc’s under three seconds, I also like to tell people that I am red / green colorblind!

What I’m most looking forward to this year: KEEPING THE AXEEEEE WOOHOO!! Go bears 🐻

Director of Stunts

Name: Madelyn Moreno

Pronouns: She/Her

Year: 3rd Year, Class of 2026

Hometown: Livingston, CA

Position: Director of Stunts

Major: Human Integrative Biology

Favorite Rally Comm memory: Cannon Crews with Lily + Cooper !!

Fun Fact: I have gone skydiving

What I’m most looking forward to this year: I’m looking forward to meeting new members & old members while hosting card sorting <3

Director of Stunts

Name: Evelyn Campbell

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Year: 2nd Year, Class of 2027

Hometown: Clearlake, CA

Position: Director of Stunts

Major: Psychology and Legal Studies

Favorite Rally Comm memory: My fav Rally Comm Memory is probably my first game day. Everything was so new but so exciting and fun. My first ever game day job was string crew and it’s funny looking back on cause now I’m a Director of Stunts.

Random fact: I love to sing!

What you’re most looking forward to this year:I look forward to working with my Co Maddy to design some fun card stunts!

Director of Member Events

Name: Isabella Versage

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Year: 3rd Year, Class of 2026

Hometown: North East LA, CA

Position: Director of Member Events

Majors: Gender and Women’s Studies

Favorite Rally Comm Memory:My favorite rally comm memory was the BIG GAME!! We all went to the game together as a committee and we won for the third year in a row!!!

Fun Fact: I taught myself how to do a cartwheel at 3 years old, and then became an all-star competitive cheerleader from 10-18 years old

What you’re most looking forward to this year: Being able to connect with more members and plan events to bring our committee closer together!


Manages the organization of all rallies and spirit events, as well as other Cal traditions!

VC of Rallies

Name: Erik Ma

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Year: 3rd Year, Class of 2026

Hometown: Bellevue, WA

Position: Vice Chair of Rallies

Majors: Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Favorite Rally Comm Memory: Cable Car Rally as DoA

Fun Fact: I keep a frisbee on me at all times

What you’re most looking forward to this year: BONFIRE RALLYYYYY

Director of Athletics

Name: Gagik Aghajanyan

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Year: 2nd Year, Class of 2027

Hometown: Pasadena, CA

Position: Director of Athletics

Major:  Energy Engineering

Favorite Rally Comm Memory: 

Fun Fact: I have two different colored eyes.

What I’m most looking forward to this year: Teaching people to do run outs for football game days!

Director of Athletics

Name: Jakob Jess

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Year: 2nd Year, Class of 2027

Hometown: Sacremento, CA

Position: Director of Athletics

Majors: Integrative Biology

Favorite Rally Comm Memory: Cable car!!!

Fun Fact: Oski’s two stripes on his cardigan represent his sophomore status

What I’m most looking forward to this year: Flags on the cable car with Gagik!!!

Director of Special Events

Name: Robert Viray

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Year: 4th Year, Class of 2025

Hometown: Bakersfield, CA

Position: Director of Special Events

Major: Economics    Minor: Scandinavian Studies

Favorite Rally Comm memory: My fav Rally Comm Memory has to be Homecoming Week! Tabling was so much fun! All of the Spirit!! And getting to be Chancellor Christ’s handler for the Rally was so much fun!

Fun fact: I learned how to ride a bike while studying abroad in Copenhagen🇩🇰

What you’re most looking forward to this year: I’m looking forward to Senior year! And getting to plan and be apart of some fun events!!


Spearheads marketing and advertising efforts for all Committee events as well as photographing Committee events and running our social media accounts!

VC of Marketing

Name: Madison Valverde

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Year: 3rd Year, Class of 2026

Hometown: Visalia, CA

Position: Vice Chair of Marketing

Major: Molecular and Cell Biology     Minor: Marine Science

Favorite Rally Comm Memory: My favorite memory this past year was cable car! it was a super fun expierence to have especially as a Mixed Media when your running around taking pictures!

Fun Fact: I am am the middle child and im also a first generation college student!

What you’re looking forward to most this year: I’m looking forward to making cute flyers and posters as well as getting to know everyone more.

Director of Mixed Media

Name: Yanely Vazquez

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Year: 2nd Year, Class of 2027

Hometown: East Los Angeles, CA

Position: Director of Mixed Media

Majors: Psychology    Minor: Child Development

Favorite Rally Comm Memory: Cannon crew and getting to fire a cannon! 💥💥

Fun Fact: I ate Brie and bread my first weeks at Cal because the food disappointed me

What you’re most looking forward to this year: Creatively incorporating rally comm events on our socials and helping people feel included!

Director of Mixed Media

Name: Sydney Shaw

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Year: 2nd year, Class of 2027

Hometown: Stockton, CA

Position: Director of Mixed Media

Majors: African-American studies

Favorite Rally Comm Memory: First Game!

Fun Fact: I am a Doula

What I’m most looking forward to this year: FUN


Protects symbols such as the Big C and the California Victory Cannon!


Name: Cooper Perez

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Year: 3rd Year, Class of 2026

Hometown: Belmont, CA

Position: Treasurer

Major: English & Legal Studies

Favorite Rally Comm memory: My favorite memory is bringing fireworks to Bonfire Rally during my time as a cannoneer! My co and I even got to wire them ourselves!

Fun Fact: I have pet shrimp!

What you’re most looking forward to this year: I’m looking forward to lighting up Sather Gate for Big Game week!


Name: Kyra Teiper

Pronouns: She/Hers/Her

Year: 2nd year, Class of 2027

Hometown: Oceanside, CA

Position: UC Cannoneer

Major: Sociology

Favorite Rally Comm Memory: Bears Ball!

Fun Fact: I love to knit

What you’re most looking forward to this year: Firing the cannon


Name: Ethan Bianchi

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Year: 4th Year, Class of 2025

Hometown: Sacramento, CA

Position: UC Cannoneer

Major: Psychology     Minor: Sustainable Business and Policy

Favorite Rally Comm Memory: Being on the field for the last home Big Game and watching us come back against our little brothers to the South.

Fun Fact: I am taller than the cannon, but it is wider than me.

What you’re most looking forward to this year: Blowing things up, lighting things on fire, creating exothermic reactions, spontaneous combustion

Director of Security

Name: Leah Cokias

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Year: 2nd Year, Class of 2027

Hometown: Whittier, CA

Position: Director of Security

Majors: Psychology

Favorite Rally Comm Memory: Big Game Day my freshman year

Fun Fact: I can tie my shoe in like 0.5 seconds

What you’re most looking forward to this year: Big Game Week!